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Veeva CRM – what’s coming in the 23R2 release?

The second instalment of Veeva’s 2023 CRM release roadmap sees a handful of helpful changes hitting production environments on the 10th August, including a great on-the-go feature improvement for iPhone users in the field.

This particular release builds on a couple of the key enhancements from the 23R1 updates and continues the journey towards the device agnostic experience for CRM users, which has become a notable mission for Veeva since our write up in early 2022.

Approved Email on-the-go

While modern day field team representatives may spend less time ‘out and about’ on territory than before, the convenience of being able to perform your duties using a mobile device cannot be overstated. A big step forward in this regard is an upgrade to the Veeva Approved Email functionality available natively to iPhone users.

They will now find that they can perform all the same actions that are available on Desktop, including creating, editing, sending and scheduling Approved Emails. This flexibility makes sending that quick follow up email – that can so easily be forgotten – after a call, even simpler.

Cleaning up your Call Reports

Ensuring that your CLM presentations only write accurate and useful data to the CRM is an area of best practice that we often find ourselves consulting on at twentyeightb. That may be the holy grail, however sometimes datasets such as product details can be incorrectly recorded to the Call Report. This latest release has made those errors easy to adjust, with users now able to deselect any product details that were automatically added from their CLM presentations, if they deem them not to be correct.

Protecting the scale of CLM presentations

From our experience, we often see brand and field teams testing and accessing digital sales aids using a wide range of device types and sizes. After all, that is reflective of the platform agnostic vision that Veeva is working towards.

Inevitably though, this can cause inconsistencies in how the content presents and performs. While we generally make recommendations to clients to combat this, as a fall-back Veeva have now allowed admins to lock CLM content to 1024 pixels by 768 pixels.

This upgrade has the benefit of preventing content that was developed primarily for iPad devices from becoming distorted on other, larger screens.

Outlook integration moves to real-time

Back in March, we waxed lyrical about the significance of the introduction of an integration between Microsoft Outlook calendars and the Veeva My Schedule application. In a small, but impactful update, Veeva have now shifted their sync between these two calendars from hourly to real-time. While iPad users will need to sync their devices to see the changes, they at least now know that by doing so they will see a 100% accurate representation of their calendar.

Self-led learning continues to thrive

In the last Veeva release, their self-guided learning platform, Flightpath, very much stole the headlines. It has not been left to sit dormant, either, with a number of new modules having been added. Having recently earned Veeva CRM MyInsights Partnership status, we’re particularly pleased to see modules cropping up to further industry understanding of MyInsights Studio and the benefits it can bring to reps in search of territory and account-level insights. Here are some of the new paths that have been added:

  • Using Microsoft Outlook with My Schedule
  • Using Microsoft Teams for Remote Meetings
  • Introduction to Recommended Email
  • Introduction to Stakeholder Navigator
  • Using MyInsights Studio Templates

Keen to leverage the latest Veeva updates?

As Veeva Full Service Content and CRM MyInsights partners, we stay abreast of all the latest features that can be integrated into your ways of working to maximise the value of your investment in Veeva CRM. If you have any questions about how Veeva enhancements impact you or your team/s, then just reach out – we’d be happy to share our knowledge.