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Zinc Maps is no more (almost), long live Veeva Vault PromoMats

Why you should be signing up for the Veeva Vault PromoMats Agency Certification Program

As many working in the Pharma industry will already be aware, Veeva bought out Zinc Ahead a couple of years back. However, what may have passed you by, was the announcement that Zinc Maps will cease to be available to users as early as 2020. The new tooling for approvals and interacting with CMLR teams will now be Veeva’s own PromoMats. So that leaves just over two years to move everything and everyone from Zinc to Vault PromoMats; easy, right?

One of the key success factors for this migration will be the up-skilling and on-boarding of those agencies currently using Zinc Maps. Veeva are very aware of this and as such are opening up the tool directly to agencies and putting a big push behind their agency certification program. We thought we would share with you why you should be lining up to take the test and provide you with a few highlights as to what you can expect.

Why get certified?

  • There’s no avoiding it! To put it bluntly, Veeva PromoMats is coming and it’s coming in hot. If your current clients use Zinc Maps then at some point they will ask you, along with every other agency working with them, to move to Veeva PromoMats. So why not get ahead of both the game and the competition by signing up and getting yourselves certified?
  • Veeva partners will benefit. As you might expect Veeva are pretty keen to make sure PromoMats gets used properly and lives up to its brand promise, as such they recommend their Pharma partners work only with Certified Agencies as this will lead to fewer errors and fewer review cycles.
  • Manage your resource and workload. Getting your agency certified – rather than waiting for your clients to push the training on you – will mean you can schedule the training to suit you and your current resource levels, allowing your team the space and time to learn about the product and even to become the experts your clients will want to work with.
  • Gain a deeper understanding, sooner. Ultimately, by being certified and having your own access to the product and the deep understanding that will give you, you will be able to work smarter, advise clients better and end up delivering projects under less pressure in terms of both time and cost.

What is in it?

The certification program consists of nine parts:

  1. Welcome & Walkaround – this explains both the course system and provides an overview of the PromoMats review/approval process.
  2. A library of training modules on each of the Veeva PromoMat features in small bitesize chunks. Each module includes both ‘view’ and ‘try’ modes.
  3. New Features (for CPD).
  4. Support links (phone, email).
  5. Exam – must be taken within 45 days of registration. Each user receives two attempts at the overall exam. There are 33 tasks to complete for the exam, with five ‘lives’ per exam attempt, one of which is lost for each incorrectly completed task. After five incorrect answers there is a 24 hour lock out before the next exam attempt can be made. Veeva have introduced an element of gamification with the user being able to win back a ‘life’ by completing one of five bonus tasks.
  6. Best practice articles with guidance on how to implement a PromoMats approval process.
  7. Feedback Form.
  8. Quick Start Guide.
  9. Veeva Vault Help.

Who is it for?

Account Teams, Medical Writers, Project Managers – basically anyone who uploads documents for MLR review.

What is it going to cost?

<10 people = $500 per person per year
11-20 = $450 per person per year
21-30 = $425 per person per year
31-40 = $400 per person per year
>40 = $375 per person per year

Purchases can be made via the Veeva Store.

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