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Capturing and converting traffic – mainstream UX principles for pharma [VIDEO]

If you missed ‘Capturing and converting traffic – applying mainstream content and UX principles to pharma’ at December’s Pharma Multichannel Marketing Meetup, you’re in luck. Nick Woolnough’s talk is featured below, along with three key takeaways if you don’t have a spare 20 minutes right now.

The second event of its kind organised by our Director James Harper and three other prominent voices in pharma marketing – Rich Brassett, Nick Saalfeld and Christine Mackay – the MCM meetup was held on 11th December, themed around content marketing principles in pharma.

Nick, who is Head of Marketing Operations at digital marketing agency StrategiQ, outlined within his talk the content marketing and UX principles his team utilise, with the aim of exploring how mainstream approaches could be rolled out in the pharma world. Have a watch below or take a read of the key takeaways, some of which are covered in the first of his series of resources.

Captivating your audience with content

Content ideation can’t start in the boardroom

By limiting yourselves to ‘creativity clubs’ and brainstorming sessions, you may be tapping into the potentially expansive industry experience of your team or agency, but they’re not your target audience. Can they think like them? Do they empathise with and understand their requirements? Research around what people are searching for is far more powerful than boardroom creativity.

Most of your best content won’t directly impact your bottom line

Your marketing material has to be helpful, but this can go against the business needs of results, leads and revenue. By accepting that your most successful content will likely be a few steps departed from your core products or solutions, you’ll free your team up to produce more engaging resources such as tools, calculators and advice articles. It won’t necessarily be consumed by your direct target audience, but these people could be influencers that will help to naturally expand the reach.

Put metrics in place for measuring the silent majority

The web visitors you most need feedback from are the ones who kept quiet. People who visit your site but leave because it failed to fulfil their needs will never volunteer information as to why, so the importance of user journey tracking tools such as Hotjar is significant. Discipline your analysis to key pages on your website and hone in on where their journeys were breaking down in order to take action by finding a way to listen.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the Pharma Multichannel Marketing group and future meetups, you can read more here. Interesting in finding out more about digital content for pharma? Get in touch using our quick question form.